Thursday, March 26, 2020

Achieving Success With An Entropy Organic Chemistry Tutor

Achieving Success With An Entropy Organic Chemistry TutorAn entropy organic chemistry tutor is an integral part of any team. This is because all chemistry is based on the concept of entropy, which is defined as 'the tendency of atoms to self-assemble into a uniform molecular arrangement' and is therefore very important in physics. It is the very base of all chemistry.Like-nature and neutral are two different concepts that are used when discussing the different states of matter. So, an entropy organic chemistry tutor will be required to teach you about the difference between the two concepts and help you understand the concepts to ensure you master the science in a proper manner.As a matter of fact, the exact definition of the concept has changed many times over the years. However, the basic idea remains the same.The concept originated from physics and was put to use in the field of science. In other words, it is the basis of all science, especially chemistry.This concept has now been accepted in the formal science and is commonly taught in schools and colleges, where it is applied in various subjects such as biology, economics, sociology, and psychology. You will also find this concept being applied in other disciplines such as engineering and computer science.All good entropy organic chemistry tutor will be able to help you in terms of applying this concept in a regular chemistry lesson. They will help you develop the necessary knowledge, equipment, equipment, materials, techniques, and instruments to do it right. They will also help you to approach this topic with much patience and accuracy in order to gain confidence in doing the job effectively.This is because they will help you know how to do it right level and should therefore keep you well motivated while teaching you. This will also help you become skilled in it, which will ultimately help you to excel in your career.

Friday, March 6, 2020

High School Parent-Teacher Conferences What to Ask

High School Parent-Teacher Conferences What to Ask Parent-teacher conferences during high school can be fewer and farther between than in elementary school, but can be extremely helpful as you and your teen think toward the futureboth post-high school and career-wise. If your childs teacher doesnt require conferences, consider contacting them yourself for an informal meeting. Here are some key ideas to discuss with your students teacher during the conference. 1. Your childs strengths and areas for growth Ask the teacher about your childs strengths, beyond grades. Are there concepts or skills your high schooler excels in? Study habits? Units or specific projects? Some of your childs strengths may be anecdotal, rather than quantifiable through test and or quiz scores. Beginning the conversation here can help ground your discussion and your understanding of how your child is doing in the subject at hand. Similarly, ask where your child can improve. You might bring in an assignment that your child struggled with, or ask if the teacher has any materials he or she can look over with you. 2. How to support your child at home Think of your childs teacher and yourself as a team, working together to encourage your student as best as you can. Once youve identified areas for growth, ask the teacher how you can best support your student at home. There may be methods that the teacher does in the classroom that can done at home for continuity, or strategies that dont quite work in the classroom but could be effective in the home setting with less distractions and fewer students. Discuss study habits and organizational tools as well, as these simple changes can often make a big impact. Also ask if the teacher would recommend outside support, like a tutor, or if there are resources you can access online, such as free practice tests or test prep books. 3. Course recommendations As youre looking ahead to the next semester or year, you might want to talk to your childs teacher about potential courses to take next. Some classes, of course, are required or need to be taken in a specific order, while others can be chosen by your child. Ask the teacher what he or she would recommend in terms of content of the course and workload. You might ask him or her to explain the difference between regular, honors, AP, and IB courses, and the possible benefits of each for your child. During your students senior year in particular, your conversation might cover your childs potential or intended college major, as well as how you can prep for college courses. 4. Standardized tests Starting in sophomore year, and definitely by junior year, standardized tests like the SAT, ACT, and AP exams will likely be on your high schoolers radar. To help your student prep for these tests, ask the teacher what your child can do to build off of classroom knowledge. This teacher might suggest in-class materials and assignments to look over, or outside resources, like a study guide or online tutorial. This kind of conversation can help your high schooler connect what he or she does in the classroom to test-taking that happens outside school. 5. College or future plans Lastly, consider discussing college or future plans with your childs teacher. If your child expresses interest in a certain college major, ask the teacher in that subject matter what your child can do now to work toward that goal. Are there any local organizations your high schooler could volunteer for, internships to apply for, or community college classes to take? Does this teacher know colleagues your child could shadow at work? Your childs teacher likely has contacts or knows of opportunities that he or she could point your child to. Scheduling and attending parent-teacher conferences is a great way to get meaningfully involved with your high schoolers education. These meetings provide a differentand importantperspective for you to view your child as a student and as a learner. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

Why Learn Dutch Here Are 10 Great Reasons

Why Learn Dutch Here Are 10 Great Reasons 10 Great Reasons to Learn Dutch ChaptersThe Dutch Language has an Amusing VocabularyLearning Dutch is Relatively EasyGo Travelling!What About Studying Abroad?Understand Linguistic QuirksWatch Dutch Movies!Speak English BetterGive Your Brain a BoostLearn Dutch to Get PromotedExplore Dutch CuisineWhen avid minds contemplate language learning, overwhelmingly, Romance languages leap to to the forefront.They seek out French courses or they want to learn Spanish, giving little thought to any Germanic language including the German language itself - which is really odd, seeing as English is considered Germanic in spite of more than a quarter of our vocabulary originating from French.What about you? Are you actively thinking of learning a new language but haven’t yet decided on one?How about learning Dutch?Superprof now provides you with 10 great reasons to learn this language that is spoken by more than 28 million people around the world.derogatory intent.It seems the Dutch settlers of New Amsterdam (now New York) did no t care for their Connecticut neighbours, leading them to call those English settlers by all sorts of demeaning names. Undaunted by the ridicule, those New World patriots even went so far as to include it in patriotic songs.Might that be one of society’s earliest instances of reverse psychology?The study of this word’s etymology proves that Yankees were indeed British subjects whose descendants became American over a century later.Today, nobody on British soil considers themselves a Yank and Americans glory in the title.Other amusing words that come from Dutch include:blunderbuss â€" from donder meaning thunder and bus originally meaning boxdapper, meaning bold or sturdy â€" vastly different from today’s interpretation!geek: from gek, meaning fool (again, a wild divergence from its modern meaning)knapsack originally represented a snack bagPoppycock: from pappekak, meaning soft dungquack: literally somebody who dabbles in ointments (original word kwaksalver)slim, in Dutch: bad, sly or crookedAnd from the long list of English words originating from Dutch, one last, most interesting term: (military) tattoo.To get soldiers back to the barracks in time â€" before they could become completely inebriated, military drummers would make the rounds at the appropriate hour, signalling innkeepers to doe den tap toe or turn off the taps.The practice has since evolved into the pageantry and precision we are treated to every year, so far from its bawdy roots...Indeed, the Dutch language has made our own tongue so rich, especially if you consider how some of our words came about!Learning Dutch is Relatively EasyBecause the Dutch language peppers our vocabulary so liberally, students of the Dutch language are constantly surprised to discover just how many Dutch words they already know.Besides, Dutch is our mother tongue’s closest relative, meaning that many native speakers of English have a much easier time learning the language of the Netherlands than they would should they endeavour to learn Italian or Portuguese.It is true that this new language you propose to learn has some sounds that don’t exist in English, such as the trilled R and the dorsal fricative â€" the ch sound, but they are pretty easy to learn.One difficulty many Dutch learners report is in article usage.English has one article, the, to represent German’s three articles: der, die and das (masculine, feminine and neutral) Dutch falls smack in the middle, calling for only two: de and het.The challenge lies in memorizing which article goes with which noun, as they are not guided by grammatical gender rules like German articles are, nor are they generic as the English article is.Go Travelling!It is true the Netherlands is overwhelmingly English-friendly, with a reported 86% of the people capable of conversing in English.Don’t let that be the reason you shy away from this delicious-sounding language!The fact is that Dutch is not spoken only in the Netherlands but in neighbouring B elgium, as well as Aruba, Sin Maarten, Curaçao and Suriname.Fancy a winter holiday in the sunny Caribbean?Learning to speak a host country’s language shows your interest in and respect for the country, the culture and the people so, even if you learn just enough Dutch phrases to get by on your next holiday, your efforts would be sincerely appreciated.But don't stop there! If you're going to learn a new language, you should learn more than just a few expressions you can use on holiday!Besides, to certify your Dutch language skills, you would have to go to the Netherlands!How about surprising your hosts by speaking Dutch on your next Aruba holiday? Source: Pixabay Credit: TampaflgalWhat About Studying Abroad?Even though the Netherlands has approximately 1,700 mostly graduate-level programs that are taught in English, you may participate in Dutch language classes offered to foreign students which, in turn, will give you insight into Dutch culture.Just think of all of the events you will be able to enjoy more thoroughly when you speak the language!words and phrases that, unless you are familiar with the language, would sail right past you.The Dutch so love their bicycles that they have built an entire lexicon of slang phrases that incorporate bikes â€" fiets, (pronounced feets... no one is really sure why).If you wanted to indicate you suddenly get what the other person is saying, you would exclaim ‘On that bicycle!’ - a phrase whose meaning would completely escape you if you weren’t in tune with the language and culture.As you learn to speak Dutch, you might be perplexed at their use of acronyms in everyday conversation: zgn, aub and ipv, just to name a few.You could think of their use as similar to texting: brb for be right back, for example, or idk for I don’t know.Dutch people, in general, are an efficient lot; a sterling example of the less is more principle,  reflected in their conversation. They certainly do not mean to confuse the hapless foreig ner.Watch Dutch Movies!Granted, the Dutch movie industry is not widely renown but some of their BNs â€" famous people are, Rutger Hauer and Famke Janssen among them.In fact, Dutch cinema has a long history and its Documentary School is known worldwide. But, for all that the Dutch film industry has been the butt of many jokes, some of their films are definitely worthy of praise.As a language learner, you might try taking in Turkish Delight or Amsterdamned with the original soundtrack playing so that you can get some listening practice in.After those two selections, you might go for a bit of comedy with Flodder... after which you may delve into their wide selection of family movies.Although Dutch cinema doesn’t make a big splash on the international scene, there certainly are plenty of titles to choose from on Amazon and elsewhere!And what a great learning experience it would be, hearing native speakers discourse!Speak English BetterThis benefit of language learning applies to any l anguage, not just Dutch.You can never understand one language until you understand at least two â€" Geoffrey WillansGranted, much of our native language is rooted in Dutch, but that factors little in the nugget of wisdom quoted above.Rather, it is the idea that you are stepping outside your own circle of linguistic experience to absorb the vernacular of a completely independent culture â€" kind of like how we never know how lovely home is until we return to it.Learning Dutch will give you a new appreciation for the English language: its subtleties and nuances, its grammar and its fluency.Now aren't you keen to go find resources to improve your Dutch?Learning Dutch can give your brain a boost! Source:Pixabat Credit: Elisa RivaGive Your Brain a BoostThe overall brain-boosting benefits of learning a second language are well-documented: your memory improves, you get better at multitasking and even your ability to conceptualise increases dramatically.Did you know that learning languages can help stave off dementia?Now, in the run-up to the biggest shopping event, you might find that language acquisition can even help you make more rational decisions amid all of the Black Friday sales adverts.Might you gift yourself and your family language lessons this year?The brains of people who speak more than one language actually work differently, studies show. Such a linguist arrives at solutions faster and tends to be more decisive.Aren’t those qualities you might need to advance at work?Learn Dutch to Get PromotedRecent analysis shows that companies prefer to hire and develop employees who can speak more than one language, in part because of the cognitive advantages such workers bring, but also because our society is becoming more diverse.Even if that company does not yet operate on the global commerce stage, surely there are still local clients and customers who might not speak English.Another benefit of hiring people with proficiency in more than one language is that s uch workers expand the company’s horizons: perhaps there is currently no trading with Holland but those connections might soon be in the works!As for you who are intent on learning a foreign language, you may consider the possibility of a pay hike a good incentive to sign up for language courses...Explore Dutch CuisineJust as you don’t have to learn Mandarin to appreciate Chinese food, you don’t actually need any language training to enjoy traditional foods from the Netherlands.However, food being integral to a country’s culture, learning how to speak Dutch may give you the incentive to try out a few traditional recipes.Especially in these cold months, you might want to try stamppot: mashed mixed with veg, served with smoked sausage. Or you could enjoy bitterballen with your evening pint.Those consist of a savoury beef mixture coated in breadcrumbs and fried golden brown. Sounds delish, doesn’t it?Learning a language is surely not a prerequisite to enjoying tasty foods â€" after all, you don’t need to learn French to eat a baguette, but acquiring language skills yields so many benefits including cultural comprehension that we understand perfectly why you endeavour to learn a foreign language.And now, you have ten good reasons to sign up for that Dutch language course you’ve long been considering!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

HEART is Semifinalist for Jimmie Johnson Foundations Blue Bunny Helmet of Hope Grant - Heart Math Tutoring

HEART is Semifinalist for Jimmie Johnson Foundations Blue Bunny Helmet of Hope Grant - Heart Math Tutoring HEART is Semifinalist for Jimmie Johnson Foundations Blue Bunny Helmet of Hope Grant HEART is Semifinalist for Jimmie Johnson Foundations Blue Bunny Helmet of Hope Grant April 17, 2014 4-17-14 BBHOH SEMIFINALIST Release Charlotte, NC (April 17, 2014) The Jimmie Johnson Foundation announced today that HEART Tutoring is one of the 10 semi-finalists eligible for a $25,000 grant. In all, five grants are available through the Blue Bunny Helmet of Hope program. A public vote will take place April 17 through 24 to determine the five grant winners. HEART Tutoring needs its supporters to go to  to show their support by voting. The Blue Bunny Helmet of Hope program, which began in 2008, allows fans and consumers across the country to nominate not-for-profit (501c3) organizations that support K-12 public education. HEART Tutoring is a math intervention program that provides curriculum and on-site support for volunteer tutors in Title I (high poverty) elementary schools, enabling community members to bring struggling students up to grade level without creating additional work for school staff. More than 120 community members are currently dedicating one hour per week to help struggling students catch up to grade level in math in Charlotte. “Each student assigned with a tutor develops a keen sense of confidence and academic pride as a result of the intensive, targeted and individualized instruction provided by the tutors,” says Regina J. Boyd, Principal at Winterfield Elementary School. HEART currently serves more than 100 students across Winterfield Elementary and Billingsville Leadership Academy and seeks to serve students at Montclaire Elementary and Highland Renaissance Academy, as well, in 2014/15. See more at “Providing support for K-12 public education is something that has been important to (Wife) Chandra and I since we started our foundation,” Johnson said. “We are really proud of the work we have been able to do through our relationship with Blue Bunny and the Wells Family (makers of Blue Bunny Ice Cream). Our team had a tough, tough job narrowing the field of nominations to 10 semi-finalists. Now is the fun part â€" watching to see how each group mobilizes their efforts to get out the vote.” In addition to a $25,000 grant, program grantees will receive a Blue Bunny ice cream party and special recognition on Johnson’s race helmet during the Sprint Cup Series race July 27 at Indianapolis Motor Speedway. To date, the Blue Bunny Helmet of Hope program has contributed more than $560,000 to 71 different charities. For additional information and to vote for HEART Tutoring, visit About the Jimmie Johnson Foundation Chandra and Jimmie Johnson launched the Jimmie Johnson Foundation in February 2006. Johnson, the six-time NASCAR Sprint Cup champion, drives the No. 48 Lowe’s Chevrolet SS in NASCAR’s top series. The mission of the foundation is to assist children, families, and communities in need throughout the United States. The foundation has committed more than $6.7 million to various charities. The Foundation currently focuses on K-12 public education. For additional information on the Jimmie Johnson Foundation, please visit About Blue Bunny Wells Enterprises, Inc., maker of Blue Bunny ice cream, is the largest privately held, family-owned ice cream and frozen treat manufacturer in the United States. The company was founded in 1913 and is headquartered in Le Mars, Iowa, the Ice Cream Capital of the World. Wells produces more than 1,100 ice cream and frozen novelty products, including its signature brand, Blue Bunny ®, super premium brand, 2nd St. Creameryâ„¢, and the iconic Bomb Pop ®. Wells also manufactures licensed frozen treat brands including Yoplait ® frozen yogurt and Weight Watchers ® frozen novelties. Visit Contact: Emily Elliott, HEART Tutoring 704.931.3209 elottrn Amanda Prothero, Jimmie Johnson Foundation 704.308.7439 aci Penny Copen, True Speed Communication 704.875.3388 x 810 pnescniom Liz Croston, Blue Bunny 712.548.5522 eob

College Supports for Students with ADHD

College Supports for Students with ADHD If you are sending your teen off to college this August, now it the time to make sure that the proper ADHD supports will be in place when they arrive. Even though your teen is about to gain a great deal of independence, they will likely need help and encouragement to get their ADHD supports in place before college begins. Research campus services with your teen, and help them send emails and make phone calls if they need to schedule appointments. Aim to create a solid plan that covers each of these areas: Academic Accommodations: Think about the academic supports that your teen has accessed during high school. Did they have a 504 Plan, an individualized education plan (IEP), or an informal plan that allowed them to have things like extended time on tests or the ability to take exams in a separate room with no distractions? These accommodations and others are available to college students with ADHD who need them. In order to qualify, colleges require documented evidence of an ADHD diagnosis. At most schools, this means recent results from an evaluation that includes cognitive and achievement testing, as well as an assessment of ADHD symptoms and impairments. Often a signed letter from a pediatrician or psychiatrist is not sufficient. Contact the colleges learning support center to find out about their requirements. Also find out about other academic supports on campus, like tutoring services and writing centers. Encourage your teen to sign up for services when school starts rather tha n waiting until they are struggling. Its all about preventing academic problems before they happen. Medication management: If your teen takes medication to manage their ADHD, find out if the psychiatrists on-campus provide ADHD medication management services. Some colleges and universities require students to see doctors and psychiatrists off campus to have their ADHD medication prescriptions filled. Others require a diagnosis from an off-campus physician before they will begin prescribing medications. The campus medical center will be able to answer questions about the services provided on-campus, and will give referrals for off-campus providers if one is needed. Social Success. All college students, and especially those with ADHD, have more success socially when they join clubs and participate in extracurricular activities. Have casual conversations with your teen about the activities theyd like to participate in on campus. Encourage them to learn about the clubs and sports available at their school. Just dont take over and do the research for them unless they ask for your help (and even then, do the online research together)! Theyll be more likely to join if they feel like participating was their own idea and not something their mom or dad told them to do. Talk about Alcohol. My own research and that of my colleagues has shown that college students with ADHD are more likely to experience problems with alcohol on campus than students without ADHD. Even if students with ADHD drink the same amount of alcohol as their peers without ADHD, they are likely to experience greater negative consequences. Plus, if school is already difficult to manage with ADHD, adding alcohol to the mix is only going to make it harder. Make sure your teen knows the risks, and that their risks are greater because of their ADHD. If your teen isnt going to be receptive to this information coming from you, have them talk with another trusted family member who they look up to, or an older friend, or a therapist or teacher who they respect. Counseling services. If you think your child may have difficulty with the transition to college, help them preemptively schedule a few sessions at the schools counseling center. Counseling center therapists are experts when it comes to the college transition. If your child needs ongoing support, theyll be able to provide referrals to off-campus providers who specialize in ADHD. With proactive supports in place, your child can begin their college career on the right foot and help ensure four years of success. ABOUT DR. MARY ROONEY Mary Rooney, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco. Dr Rooney is a researcher and clinician specializing in the evaluation and treatment of ADHD and co-occurring behavioral, anxiety, and mood disorders. A strong advocate for those with attention and behavior problems, Dr. Rooney is committed to developing and providing comprehensive, cutting edge treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and adolescent. Dr. Rooney's clinical interventions and research avenues emphasize working closely with parents and teachers to create supportive, structured home and school environments that enable children and adolescents to reach their full potential. In addition, Dr. Rooney serves as a consultant and ADHD expert to Huntington Learning Centers. ABOUT HUNTINGTON Huntington Learning Center is the tutoring and test prep leader. Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students of all levels succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntington's mission is to give every student the best education possible. Call us today at 1.800.CAN LEARN to discuss how Huntington can help your child. For franchise opportunities please visit This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only.

Uloop Morning Scoop Race Against Time in Mexico, Georgia Tech in Turmoil as Washington St. Gives Back

Uloop Morning Scoop Race Against Time in Mexico, Georgia Tech in Turmoil as Washington St. Gives Back Frantic rescue efforts are underway in Mexico City (Image: YouTube screenshot/BBC) In Mexico City, where a 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck late Tuesday, rescuers and volunteers searched the rubble of buildings for survivors, with time to find those alive running out. The search is most intense around a collapsed school.   The priority now is continue rescuing those who are still trapped and provide medical attention to the injured, President Enrique Peña Nieto told CNN, calling  Tuesdays quake  the second to shake Mexico in 12 days  a new national emergency. The death toll has surpassed 250 in Mexico. Some experts are wondering if the latest earthquake should put California on alert. Enter your email below to get the Morning Mix as a daily email: Please enter Email LAST DITCH EFFORT TO REPEAL OBAMACARE A meeting at the White House in March, when initial efforts to repeal Obamacare got underway (Image: Wikimedia Commons) Four GOP senators have proposed a new healthcare act to overhaul Obamacare, their last chance before their deadline for voting passes on Sept. 30. Backed by Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Dean Heller of Nevada and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, the Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson measure would stop Obamacare’s mandate to buy insurance, give more power to states and alter health care program Medicaid. However, PBS reports that this measure stands out from its predecessors for, “…its much more aggressive proposal to shift funding to states. It would move a trillion dollars in federal health care spending directly to states, in a formula the senators say would be based on the state’s percentage of lower-income people and (to a lesser degree) older and sicker residents.” GEORGIA TECH CAMPUS STILL UNSETTLED IN WAKE OF SHOOTING, WASHINGTON ST. GIVES BACK TO THE COMMUNITY Screenshot from a video that shows the moments before the shooting of a Georgia Tech student (Image: YouTube/Inside Edition) In the wake of a campus police officer shooting a student on Saturday and protests that followed, the campus of Georgia Tech is still shaken and unsettled, according to Inside Higher Education. Scout Schultz, a 21-year-old student with a history of mental-health issues, died Sunday after being shot in the heart, family members said. Schultz was the president of the student group representing lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer students and preferred the pronouns “they” and “them,” having identified as nonbinary and intersex, reports IHE. Many, including Schultzs family, have questioned the training given to the officer and why campus officers arent armed with tasers. In some more upbeat campus news, Washington State is offering free tickets to this weekends football game to any members of the community in the wake of a shooting at local Freeman High School last week, per a report from Yardbarker. “Washington State University has invited all friends and family of the Freeman community to the Cougar football game on September 24,”  a local CBS News affiliate reported on Wednesday. “All you need to get into the game for free is your driver’s license, student ID, staff ID or any other form of identification that will identify you as a community member.” One person was killed in the shooting perpetrated by 15-year-old Caleb Sharpe.  He’s facing first-degree murder charges. AND FINALLY, 7 THINGS YOU SHOULD BRING TO YOUR NEXT COLLEGE SPORTING EVENT Big or small, college sports are in full swing this fall. (Image: ULoop ) Its really starting to feel like fall, as pumpkin spice is showing up everywhere, leaves are turning and of course, college sports are in full swing. Julia Dunn, a senior Uloop writer from UC Santa Cruz, has spent some time thinking about what you need to get the most out of your college sports experience. Heres here handy list of 7 items every student should bring to their next college sporting event.   Congrats, you are now ready to go face Thursday. Have a great one. And remember, you can use Uloop to find a part time job on your campus, connect with a tutor  or get a head start on housing for next year.   And dont forget, if youre into that email thing: Enter your email below to get the Morning Mix as a daily email: Please enter Email

2016 Presidential Candidates Whos Who Democrat Edition

2016 Presidential Candidates Who's Who Democrat Edition Photo Credit: Getty Images 1. Lincoln Chafee. Who is he? Chafees the former governor of RI (2011-2015), the former U.S. senator from RI (1999-2007), and the former mayor of Warwick, RI (1993-1999). He announced his candidacy in June. What are his beliefs? *Stance on Gun Control: supports common sense complying with the 2nd Amendment but doesnt think freedoms given in Constitution should be curtailed. *Stance on Abortion: supports womens rights to personal reproductive decisions. *Stance on LGBT Rights: supports marriage equality. *Stance on Immigration: supportive of path to legalization and more programs for legal immigrants. *Stance on Jobs: in the past has supported increase of minimum wage. 2. Hilary Clinton. Who is she? The former U.S. Secretary of State (2009-2013), the former senator from NY (2001-2009), and the former First Lady of the U.S. (1993-2001). She was a presidential candidate in 2008, and announced her intentions to run in this upcoming election back in April. What are her beliefs? *Stance on Gun Control: believes the nations gun laws need to be toughened and has vowed to fight the National Rifle Association. *Stance on Abortion: pro-abortion as she believes in unlimited abortion on demand as too many women are denied abortions. *Stance on LGBT Rights: now supports right of same-sex couples to marry both personally and as law though she didnt in the past. *Stance on Immigration: believes immigrants keep America young and dynamic. *Stance on Jobs: believes in fair wages, keeping jobs in America, increasing minimum wage. Photo Credit: Wikipedia 3. Martin OMalley. Who is he? The former governor of Maryland (2007-2015), and the former mayor of Baltimore, MD (1999-2007). He announced he is running as a democratic presidential candidate in May. What are his beliefs? *Stance on Gun Control: supports restrictions on the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. *Stance on Abortion: its an issue best left to the individual conscience of women. *Stance on LGBT Rights: all are created equal and everyone deserves marriage equality. *Stance on Immigration: supports comprehensive immigration reform. *Stance on Jobs: raise minimum wage and increase collective bargaining rights. 4. Bernie Sanders. Who is he? The current U.S. Senator from Vermont (2007-present), the former U.S. representative from VT (1991-2007), and the former mayor of Burlington, VT (1981-1989). He announced his intentions to be a presidential candidate in April. What are his beliefs? *Stance on Gun Control: would support strong sensible gun control but doesnt believe its going to solve all of our problems. *Stance on Abortion: believes the decision about abortion must remain a decision for the woman, her family and physician to make, not the government. *Stance on LGBT Rights: is a staunch and public supporter of LGBT equality. *Stance on Immigration: supports path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants in the country. *Stance on Jobs: wants to raise minimum wage to $15 per hour. 5. Jim Webb. Who is he? The former U.S. senator from Virginia (2007-2013), the former U.S. Secretary of the Navy (1987-1988), and the former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs (1984-1987). Webb announced his campaign as a presidential candidate in July. What are his beliefs? *Stance on Gun Control: has emphasized the importantance of 2nd Amendment right to bear arms and has voted and supported various acts involving guns and firearms. *Stance on Abortion: Supports Roe v. Wade and abortion rights. *Stance on LGBT Rights: used to oppose same-sex marriage and now supports it and thinks its a good thing for this country. *Stance on Immigration: split on immigration issues; opposed comprehensive immigration package in 2007 but supported Dream Act which would have given citizenship to undocumented immigrants who go to college or serve in the military. *Stance on Jobs: is against the outsourcing of American jobs, supports better workers rights. These are the five democratic presidential candidates that we know of so far stay tuned for a whos who of the republican presidential candidates coming later this week!